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How to setup integrated mode in Sitecore Headless?

June 14, 2023
How to setup integrated mode in Sitecore Headless?
Mitesh Patel
Mitesh Patel
Technical Head

In this blog we will understand how you can setup the integrated mode when working with the Sitecore Experience editor to make your content management seamless and effortless. First of all, let us start by understanding the integrated mode.

What is Integrated mode?

It will allow you to access Sitecore Experience editor in next.js application.

Once Sitecore application runs successfully via connected mode. We are good to go for the integrated mode.

Once you have deployed your app, it will start running in Sitecore. Then, through SRR, your app will be rendered in Sitecore by a Node server.

How to configure Integrated mode?

Step 1: Start with Sitecore connected mode. For the installation and setup, you can refer to the blog below.


Step 2: Copy deployment secret key from nextjs application path "\sitecore\config" file name : jss-app.deploysecret.config and copy deploymentSecret.

Now, open the files below in nextjs application.

1). Env file replace the existing value with deploymentSecret key .


2) Go to path nextjs application path "\sitecore\config" open file jss-app.config. replace the existing jsseditingSecret value with copied deploymentSecret value.


Deploy config file via: jss deploy config

After deploying:

We are good with the configuration changes.

Let's try to run our nextjs application via jss start:connected.

Once the application ran successfully on http://localhost:3000 we can open the experience editor.

Note : to check the Sitecore Experience editor page is working or not, first you need to check ensure that your front application should be running.


Through the above given steps, you can successfully setup the integrated mode in the Sitecore Experience Editor when you are working in headless tech.